Interior/Exterior Painting

Interior/Exterior Painting

All of our painting jobs are done with top of the line products with exceptional craftsmanship.

What makes our painting different?

Esser Builders II takes time to make sure that the paint job we provide our customers is top notch quality.

We do all kinds of painting from simply changing the color of one room, to repainting the whole exterior of your home!

View Our Painting Gallery

Both labor AND material

are guaranteed!

When your painting is completed by Esser Builders II, both your material and labor are backed by a LIFETIME guarantee and warranty certificate issued upon completion.

All of our installers play their part in making sure every detail of the paint job is completed with maximum quality.

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"Esser Builders II stained our deck last summer and it has held up great, we couldn’t be happier.”

Jordan Cross

Holt, MI

“We called Albert and his team to come out and paint our shed, good job would be an understatement.”

Chase Lumes

Lansing, MI

“ Our basement looks brand new, Esser Builders II did an exceptional job on repainting our basement and closets.”

Tyler Conlon

Howell, MI

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

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